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Hotel Veluwe, Holland? De Cantharel

Are you looking for a hotel in Holland, near the Veluwe? A stay at Van der Valk Hotel Apeldoorn – De Cantharel offers many benefits. This hotel is the ideal choice for guests who love peace, luxury and nature. Enjoy culinary and healthy dishes at our a la carte restaurant or buffet restaurant in Apeldoorn.

Last minute offers

Even if you are looking for a last minute hotel in Apeldoorn, De Cantharel offers you the best deal.

For example, We offer a 3 = 2 deal where you stay 3 nights and only pay for 2. There are last-minute offers throughout the year (based on availability).
Hotel Veluwe, Holland? De Cantharel

Discover the Veluwe

What could be better than discovering the Veluwe during your stay? How about walking, riding and cycling? In addition, the hotel offers horse-drawn carriage rides during the weekends.

Would you prefer a cultural day? Then you can visit several museums. How about the well-known Kröller-Müller museum. Here you will find beautiful paintings by Van Gogh and you can walk around the modern sculpture garden. Are you planning a family stay at Hotel Apeldoorn? Then primate park Apenheul offers a day of fun!

In short, combining an overnight stay with fun activities will make your stay complete! Are you curious about all offers, arrangements and deals at Van der Valk Hotel Apeldoorn – De Cantharel? Look for more information on the site:

Hotel Veluwe, Holland? De Cantharel